Hey everybody
- ::2fa is fully working again secure your account now!
- Added a mystery box csgo like interface
- Lowered the damage/accuracy/speed for unholy cursebearer added magic as it's weakness.
- Pathing has improved again you will no longer run upto your victim while using ranged(Melee attacks on some npcs might be bugged now, if you find any please report the npc names).
- Removed more nulls from the droptables
- Added mystery box back to the vote store
- Removed mystery box from the trivia shop
- Fixed a huge glitch in the blood money store
- Lowered all prices in the blood money store get pking people

Added Granite Clamp to the blood money store. (Enchants the granite maul and boosts it's crush attack to +95 and strength bonus to +85)
- Added fighter torso/dragon defender to the blood money store.
- Added Elder Maul to the blood money store.
- Added Heavy Ballista to the blood money store.
- Added Abyssal Dagger to the blood money store.
Let me know what you guys think, your feedback is very much appreciated. If you find any issue, please report it here