Dear Players
Here are the new updates i hope you guys enjoy them:
- Perfected Hitqueue where all queued hits will do damage.
- The damage/accurecy is calculated before you hit. (exp drops will take place a little before you hit) like on rs.
- The Combat damage/accuracy formulas have been completely rewritten everything should be more balanced now.
- Fixed ranged and magic hitsplat appearing too quick after projectile fire.
- Bolt's should not get triggered on every hit for their special.
- Pathing alsos received a improvement again.
- Nerfed the blood necklace a little.
- Magic almost every staff was adding damage to the maxhit. (now it only adds 15% if player is using staff of light/Toxic staff of the dead)
- Arcane stream necklace add 15% to the max damage.
- Slayer helmet bonus now only works on npcs.
- Took the delay off the home teleport button.
- New smithing location actually teleports you there.`
- Armadyl crossbow had the speed of a shortbow
- Removed tons of null drops from the droptable still got tons to go! (nulls+red vine worms is what causes this in the droptables):
- Protect/Deflect Magic no longer works against dragons.`
- Kalphite queens 1st phase used to give loot which made the second phase useless this has been switched around.
- Fixed the ugly animation that in combat made it look like your legs were tied together.
- Removed alot of npcs from the droptable that weren't even ingame.
New items added:
- Infernal Cape.
- Infernal Mastercape.
- Occult Necklace.
- Amulet of Torture.
- Malediction Ward.
- Odium Ward.
- Master Skill capes (require max exp in a skill they look a little buggy since it are rs3 items)
- Elder Maul.
- Dihn's bulwark.
- Dragon sword.
- Dragon Harpoon.
- Dragon trownaxe's.
- Kodai wand. (Suppreses the cost of water runes but somehow won't showup client sided).
- Twisted bow. (issue with the shooting animation)
- Heavy Ballista. (real powerfull but it doesn't have a animation/graphic)
- Anecstral Hat, Robe top, robe bottom.
- PolyPore Staff.
- Ganodermic Visor, poncho, leggings
- Super Combat Potions
- Karambwans (perfected the food delay)
Client Feature:
- Item name overlay, you will see they items and amounts on the floor, can be toggled off in the settings tab.
- New Teleportation interface it's not working 100% yet but should do the job.
- If you have a bankpin set you will you will now have to enter it before trading staking gambling or accesing your pos/money pouch.
- This also brought a packet error to the attention of the developer this has been fixed.
- Our client/server RSA components were changed to prevent other client's from logging in.
- Started out with a small raids minigame.
- Inferno Boss Wave is added to obtain the infernal cape.
- Started out with the bloodmoney shop.
- Exp Rates / 5 to make the game more challenging.
- Wednessday's Bonus is changed to Double Blood Money.
- Made the well of goodwill cost 250m and now grants 50% of bonus exp for 2 hours
Let me know what you guys think, your feedback is very much appreciated. If you find any issue, please report it here