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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Rep Power

    Current Donator Rank Benefits

    The Ranks
    Bronze Member - $20 in total donations
    Silver Member - $40 in total donations
    Gold Member - $60 in total donations
    Platinum Member - $80 in total donations
    Diamond Member - $100 in total donations
    Ruby Member ​- $150 in total donations
    Note: you need to use a scroll to obtain your rank.

    The Benefits
    Bronze Member

    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    -Access to ::yell chat
    -1.10x Experience bonus
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    -Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -35 pest control points per game
    -10% chance of double pkp per kill
    -3,000 Bonus cash per thieve stall thieve
    -1/25 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast
    -1/15 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/15 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it

    Silver Member
    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    ​-Access to ::yell chat
    -1.25x Experience bonus
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    ​-Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -40 pest control points per game
    -15% chance of double pkp per kill
    -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons
    -5k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve
    -1/20 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast
    -1/12 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/12 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it
    Gold Member
    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    ​-Access to ::yell chat
    -1.50x Experience bonus
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    -Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -45 pest control points per game
    -20% chance of double pkp per kill
    -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons
    -27.5 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds
    -7.5k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve
    -1/15 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast
    -1/9 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/9 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it
    Platinum Member
    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    -1.75x Experience bonus
    ​-Access to ::yell chat
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    ​-Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -50 pest control points per game
    -25% chance of double pkp per kill
    -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons
    -25 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds
    -10k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve
    -1/6 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/6 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it
    Diamond Member
    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    -2.00x Experience bonus
    ​-Access to ::yell chat
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    ​-Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -60 pest control points per game
    -30% chance of double pkp per kill
    -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons
    -20 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds
    -Accesss to ::bank command
    -Double drops for rare drops (ex: dkite drop = 2 dkites)
    -15k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve
    -1/5 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast
    -1/3 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/3 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it
    Ruby Member
    -Donator Rank in game and on forums
    -Access to donator zone ::dzone
    -2.25x Experience bonus
    ​-Access to ::yell chat
    -Access to set a custom player title using the ::title command
    -Access to dzone thieving stalls that give pure cash
    ​-Free potion decanting
    -Access to spec recharge altar on dzone
    -Access to exclusive frost dragons and other npcs at dozne
    -Access to donator shop at dzone
    -Double loot at barrows minigame
    -60 pest control points per game
    -30% chance of double pkp per kill
    -No kill count required to enter godwars dungeons
    -20 second veng timer instead of 30 seconds
    -Accesss to ::bank command
    -Double drops for rare drops (ex: dkite drop = 2 dkites)
    -15k cash bonus per thieving stall thieve
    -1/5 chance to save runes on a magic spell cast
    -1/3 chance of their casket not deleting when opening it
    -1/3 chance of their crystal key not deleting when opening it
    ​-Unlimited prayer outside of the wilderness
    - 2x Trivia points
    - 2x Boss points
    - 1.5x Slayer points
    Last edited by Nando; 25-09-17 at 08:08 AM.

  2. #2
    Veteran Loki's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Valhalla & Earth (only on weekends)
    Rep Power
    Awesome thanks for writing these out mate.

  3. #3
    Moderator Elevation's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Rep Power
    +1 this - this'll be handy if people want to donate wanting to know Benefits thanks nandy

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