Toxic Blowpipe will only require 1 dragon dart p++ and fires at the right speed now.
Mijn blog over anonimiteit, niet gevolgd worden, VPN, tor, darkweb
thanks man
Blowpipe price spike incoming
Good update, Blowpipes will become relevant now
can u nerf blowpipe its not sopposed to be that accurate and hitting so high
Originally Posted by Triggered can u nerf blowpipe its not sopposed to be that accurate and hitting so high I tested it out yesterday and it hits fine in my opinion, doesn't need a nerf.
Originally Posted by Triggered can u nerf blowpipe its not sopposed to be that accurate and hitting so high It's in competition with acb now I don't think it needs to be nerfed. It hits fast but it doesn't hit extremely high so I think it's ok.
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