Update log 31-1-2017
Dear Players,
- Fixed a few small bugs in itemforging with cerberus stone's
- Implied a new PID system which i found on rune-server.
- Fixed gold members ::yell so it doesn't include a smiley anymore
- Pk points/killstreaks should work again.
- New Voting System every site you vote on gives you 1 scroll, Voting scrolls now give 1 point each and 1m or 250k for ironman.
Kind Regards,
Diamond Donator
- Rep Power
- 0
Great, thank you Nando Tho the achievement ''vote 100 times'' seems much easier now :P And I myself atleast seem to get 5 points for 1 scroll still.
Last edited by DoTheDew; 31-01-17 at 02:38 PM.
Glad to see the voting system changed, good to see people can finally use their cerberus stones to make the boots/ tools instead of asking you, thanks for the constant updates Nando
- Rep Power
- 116
thanks for the updates appreciated
 Originally Posted by DoTheDew
Great, thank you Nando  Tho the achievement ''vote 100 times'' seems much easier now :P And I myself atleast seem to get 5 points for 1 scroll still.
Yeah it's fixed now
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